Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Wasted Afternoon

Now, I'm usually a live and let live kind of cat. Cats, dogs, humans, I'm willing to let them all share my space. That old Lucky's been here for almost as long as I have and we get along fine. His reflexes aren't what they use to be and I can get his treat away from him without any problem. The miniature humans don't bother me too much, either, as long as I know where they are. But today I had a shock. I was walking around the big desk when I was confronted by a DOG. A real, live, barking dog! In the library!! Mary says that dog is a service dog who helps her owner. But why did she snap at me? There I was just walking around after lunch trying to stretch my legs before I took my early afternoon nap, minding my own business! I was so upset I couldn't find a comfortable spot to take a nap. An entire afternoon wasted! Over a dog!

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