Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Short But Busy Week

My humans were busy this week. They moved the furniture around and brought out boxes with lots of good smelling books in them. And, they covered 2 tables with round things that smelled sooo good! I know they must have tasted as good as they smelled coz when I jumped up on the table with them Linda and Mary both yelled at me to get away! Boy, those 2 are always spoiling my fun.

The Man hasn't been here this week...except for Monday when he showed up in the middle of the day with his Lady. I didn't expect him and it startled me and I had to find a hiding place to figurer things out. His Lady came looking for me...she always looks for me to say hello. (I like a polite human.) Nan has been doing the stuff The Man usually does in the morning. But she always takes time to play with me. Well, he does, too, but he calls me Foolish.

Linda, Mary, Nan and Sue have been talking about a trip they're taking. They keep mentioning someplace called Rockefeller Center and Radio City. I wonder where they are? I hope they don't have to stay in their travel bags a long time. That's what I really don't like about traveling. I hope they don't stay away too long. They are some of my most favorite people.

Mary dropped something on the floor today and had to look under a desk to find it. She found what she had lost and one of my ping pong balls! I had forgotten how much fun they were! I've been playing with it so long this afternoon I think I need a late afternoon nap. Mmm, I can just see me racing across a shiny floor batting a ping pong ball, the crowd is cheering, I'm....yawn.

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Chinese Vacation

My paw pal Jesse's human went on vacation. She went to an ancient Chinese city called Xi'an to see the terracotta army. Mary told me that a long, long time ago, a Chinese emperor didn't want to be buried alone when he died, so he had his artists make an army out of clay to be buried with him. The soldiers and horses were all life size and all in different poses and with different faces! A farmer working in his field dug up the first of these things and then some really smart humans came from something called a university and dug up the rest. They've found over 35,ooo figures and they think there are thousands more still buried! Lily says Xi'an is a very beautiful city and very different from other big cities in China. She's been to other cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong and says they look the same with big tall buildings, the same style parks and things. And worst, she says, you can't feel it's China coz you can rarely see a Chinese-style building. It's modernized now. The only way you know it's China are the people, their culture and their language. But Xi'an is different. The buildings are Chinese-style (preserved) and you can see much of the Chinese heritage there. She says it's lovely and she'd like to go back again. That's her wearing the Chinese armor! I wonder if it itches?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

China Games

Mary's friend, Wayne, sent more photos from China. Here are some of Wayne's students playing ping pong outside a classroom building. He says the students are better players than he is. Wayne thinks there ought to be ping pong tables on the street here in Herkimer like there are in China. What's on the street in Herkimer? I know there are benches infront of the library that people sit on, and sometimes stand and jump on. Maybe that's a game like ping pong? I know that ping pong balls are fun to play with.

Wayne says this is a nice Chinese museum and these are typical Chinese people. The lady is dressed up much more than my ladies do when they come here. I wonder what she's looking for? She must be like Mary. She's always dumping out her bag to find stuff. Maybe Mary needs a bigger bag. But this Chinese lady doesn't seem to be having any better luck finding stuff than Mary does. I wonder why humans use bags. Cats just leave things around and we always find them when we need them. Hmm.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

More from China

These are more photos from China. This is the school where Lily, my paw pal 's human teaches. It looks very nice and clean there but how come the sky isn't blue? What kind of trees are they? It doesn't look like those leaves change colors and fall off!

Mary's friend, Wayne, is trying to get another paw pal for me. He's been sharing his suppers with a cat at a resturant near his school. That cat likes squid, I don't think I do. Anyway, Wayne is trying to get some photos of that cat. I hope he remembers to ask its name.

It had been quiet around here the last couple of days... until yesterday. Then there was a lot of noise and commotion around the glass wall that moves. Some men were outside climbing up things and making a lot of noise. The Man was there watching them. Probably to make sure they did it right and didn't hurt the building. Then when they were finished and went away it was kind of dark outside the glass wall. My other humans were excited about what they had done. It's some kind of covering...awning...over the door. It's suppose to help keep them dry. If they didn't go out they wouldn't have to worry about that.

Today there are humans in my big room. They have those boxes that make noise. Paul will go in there and play with them and then it will sound pretty good. It's such a nice noise...something to fall asleep to. Yawn!