Monday, November 26, 2007

Another Peaceful Monday

It seemed like the humans took every other day off last week. Suddenly, in the middle of the week, they weren't here one day. And only The Man came in the next day. But that was ok, coz he opened my door and while he cleaned my 'facilities' I checked out the rest of the library. Lucky was still there, chained to the new book rack, and a couple of rows of wooden men are still standing on a shelf. Then The Man went outside and played in the leaves while I finished my check of the library. It was quiet but everything was in it's place. The next day all the humans were back and I got to go in the back room and make sure Tamika was putting books into boxes right. I enjoy doing that because those books have such interesting smells and they tell such great stories! When the humans left that day, there were some of those wooden men on one of my shelves in my room. They don't talk much and they don't move around at all! What do they do???

My humans are very happy because I'm ahead in the Pet of the Year contest in the Herkimer Evening Telegram. I finally got more votes than Teddi & Ty, a pair of white dogs who Mary says she'd vote for it she didn't know me. (She must know about dogs coz there is always dog hair on her pant legs.) Any way, I'm in the lead and frankly, I'm surprised. I didn't know that many humans liked me, really liked me. I want to thank everyone for voting for me and if you haven't voted yet, you can drop off your donation to the library or send it to the Herkimer Evening Telegram before Friday. The Pet of the Year contest benefits the Telegrams' Newspapers in Education program. It's nice to know I'm helping to educate humans.

Aha, I think I've done enough today. Time for a nap.

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