Monday, December 15, 2008
Those Minature Humans Again!
Sunday was not a day of rest for me. It started out ok, but first Mary came in and then Linda and Nan showed up. They let me check out the library and eventually I made my way into the big room. They had set up tables and chairs and were putting things on the table...not a good sign. Soon the place was overrun with those miniature humans! Boy, do they make noise! Then this guy in a red suit shows up! He had been in Nan's room for awhile before he went into the big room. He carried something that jingled as he walked. You should have seen the little humans react to him!! I decided then it was time to go back to my room but wasn't sure how to get there, so I went into the closet. It's a nice big, dark place with plenty of shelves for me to sit on. Eventually it got quiet and then Linda opened the closet door and saw me. Mary came in and picked me up and told me I was very smart to hide but it was time to come out of the closet. She put me in my chair and turned on the music. They all said 'good night' and left. I was ready for a nap but remembered Nan had put out treats for me. I really needed a snack after all that excitement!
What do you think of the man in the red suit and all those little humans? Click on COMMENTS and leave me a message. I'd like to hear from you.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wayne went on a picnic with his class along the banks of the Yangtze River . They dug pits in the sand and cooked their food right there. Boy, does it look good! Mary says they're eating with chopsticks (Wayne uses a spoon) instead of forks. I think you have to be very careful using chopsticks. Not all the food will make it to your mouth! (Good for cats like me.) No wonder the people are all so small and thin.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Weird Things Happening
Andy & Andrea
humans making noise
Michele & Mark
The Man
Nancy & her squeeze box
More humans making noise
Some weird things happened here last Friday night. For starters, no one went home. All my humans stayed with me and the ones who weren't here during the day, came back! And they didn't make me stay in my room, either. They let me go into the big room to see what they were doing. And the smells! Oh, to a cat with a fine palate, the smells out of the big room were heavenly! Of course, Mary made sure I didn't get close enough to anything to taste but the smells.... But then, the noise that my humans made! Paul had his round box and Nancy had something that she wore in front of her and squeezed. The big high box had another lady playing with it. (Someone was here Wednesday playing with that thing all afternoon. And the noise he made on it!! Ooo, some of it sounded pretty good, but other times, it sounded worse than the noise I can make when I'm mad!) Anyway, the humans keep making all kinds of noise Friday laughing and talking. I thought they'd never go home and let me sleep. But Alma was here. She came looking for me when I got scared of all the strangers and hid. It was nice to see her again. I wish she'd come over more often. I'm glad my humans don't stay that late very often. They disturb my rest.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Short But Busy Week
The Man hasn't been here this week...except for Monday when he showed up in the middle of the day with his Lady. I didn't expect him and it startled me and I had to find a hiding place to figurer things out. His Lady came looking for me...she always looks for me to say hello. (I like a polite human.) Nan has been doing the stuff The Man usually does in the morning. But she always takes time to play with me. Well, he does, too, but he calls me Foolish.
Linda, Mary, Nan and Sue have been talking about a trip they're taking. They keep mentioning someplace called Rockefeller Center and Radio City. I wonder where they are? I hope they don't have to stay in their travel bags a long time. That's what I really don't like about traveling. I hope they don't stay away too long. They are some of my most favorite people.
Mary dropped something on the floor today and had to look under a desk to find it. She found what she had lost and one of my ping pong balls! I had forgotten how much fun they were! I've been playing with it so long this afternoon I think I need a late afternoon nap. Mmm, I can just see me racing across a shiny floor batting a ping pong ball, the crowd is cheering, I'm....yawn.
Friday, November 7, 2008
A Chinese Vacation
My paw pal Jesse's human went on vacation. She went to an ancient Chinese city called Xi'an to see the terracotta army. Mary told me that a long, long time ago, a Chinese emperor didn't want to be buried alone when he died, so he had his artists make an army out of clay to be buried with him. The soldiers and horses were all life size and all in different poses and with different faces! A farmer working in his field dug up the first of these things and then some really smart humans came from something called a university and dug up the rest. They've found over 35,ooo figures and they think there are thousands more still buried! Lily says Xi'an is a very beautiful city and very different from other big cities in China. She's been to other cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong and says they look the same with big tall buildings, the same style parks and things. And worst, she says, you can't feel it's China coz you can rarely see a Chinese-style building. It's modernized now. The only way you know it's China are the people, their culture and their language. But Xi'an is different. The buildings are Chinese-style (preserved) and you can see much of the Chinese heritage there. She says it's lovely and she'd like to go back again. That's her wearing the Chinese armor! I wonder if it itches?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
China Games
Wayne says this is a nice Chinese museum and these are typical Chinese people. The lady is dressed up much more than my ladies do when they come here. I wonder what she's looking for? She must be like Mary. She's always dumping out her bag to find stuff. Maybe Mary needs a bigger bag. But this Chinese lady doesn't seem to be having any better luck finding stuff than Mary does. I wonder why humans use bags. Cats just leave things around and we always find them when we need them. Hmm.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
More from China
These are more photos from China. This is the school where Lily, my paw pal 's human teaches. It looks very nice and clean there but how come the sky isn't blue? What kind of trees are they? It doesn't look like those leaves change colors and fall off!
Mary's friend, Wayne, is trying to get another paw pal for me. He's been sharing his suppers with a cat at a resturant near his school. That cat likes squid, I don't think I do. Anyway, Wayne is trying to get some photos of that cat. I hope he remembers to ask its name.
It had been quiet around here the last couple of days... until yesterday. Then there was a lot of noise and commotion around the glass wall that moves. Some men were outside climbing up things and making a lot of noise. The Man was there watching them. Probably to make sure they did it right and didn't hurt the building. Then when they were finished and went away it was kind of dark outside the glass wall. My other humans were excited about what they had done. It's some kind of covering...awning...over the door. It's suppose to help keep them dry. If they didn't go out they wouldn't have to worry about that.
Today there are humans in my big room. They have those boxes that make noise. Paul will go in there and play with them and then it will sound pretty good. It's such a nice noise...something to fall asleep to. Yawn!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pandas and Pandas
We got email from Jesse's human, Lily. She sent us photos of her school and of some pandas. Mary knew what the black and white animals were (the Pandas) but she didn't know what the others were until Lily told her. They're red pandas! I never seen any animals like that. The Man and Nancy thought they look like raccoons...whatever they are. I wonder what the green leaves are that they are eating? Sometime leaves taste very good.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A Wasted Afternoon
Monday, October 20, 2008
Lazy Day Sundays
First, the Man came in and opened the door to my room. He talked to me until I got up and went out into the big room. Then he went out through the moving glass wall and I watched him push leaves around. Mary came in about then and they started moving furniture. They fixed the big pots that brew that nice smelling stuff that they all like to drink in the morning. Mmm, that does smell good. (Nan lets me taste it when I want but it doesn't taste as good as it smells.) Then Mary made me go back into my room and she shut the door. I sat on top of the metal box and watched what was happening thru the glass wall. Suddenly, Mary turned around and came back into my room. I was so surprised I fell off the metal box! She was worried I might have gotten hurt so she followed me until she could pick me up and then she checked by legs. Of course, I wasn't hurt...but I didn't tell her that right away! I learned a long time ago you have to make your humans suffer a little to get treated right.
After that things really started happening. More humans came in and one of them started playing with the thing that those other humans play with on Saturdays...only this human was very good and the noise he made was very nice. That went on all afternoon. I got very comfortable and sleepy listening to him and before I knew it I was asleep. Mary and Lesley came into my room and said goodbye but I didn't even open my eyes. I really prefer my quiet Sundays but once in awhile, a day like yesterday is a good thing.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
China Connection
This is the campus where Mary's friend, Wayne, lives and teaches in China. Isn't it clean? The buildings in the bottom photo are where the teachers live. The other buildings around the track are the classrooms. His classes are very large--about 50 students each--and they are learning how to speak and read English. I wonder how many students around here are learning Chinese? Wayne says the students clean the campus every day! Students cleaning the campus!! WOW! Students here make a mess in the park outside the library every day, not clean it! Wayne says his students are very polite, too. It's too bad young humans around here aren't more like that. I hope he keeps sending us photos. It's nice to see what it's like in China. Oh, I've got to remind Mary to take some photos of me and send them to him. I hope he will like that!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A Paw Pal!
Friday, October 10, 2008
News from China
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A Firedrill!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A Busy Day
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Birthdays and Naps
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Where's China?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Friendship Friendship!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Something New
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Summer is flying by!
I thought Nancy was my best human friend but now I'm not so sure. This week she invited a man to come here with his rescued friends. They were snakes and spiders and all kinds of bugs. Once I smelled that snake, I took myself back into my room and found a nice safe place. I didn't come out until Mary shook the treat box! I wanted to be sure they were gone. And the miniature humans have been in the library in force! They came to see the snake man this week and last week they came to see the lady who makes the dolls talk. (I think they call her a puppeteer.) She's been here before and she's ok, it's just those miniature humans.
I did find a new treat that the miniature humans brought in. My humans stopped me before I actually got one but they sure smelled good and the wrapper tasted fine. I think the humans said they were 'oreos'. That's a strange name for something that smelled so good.
Oh, it's getting to be that time of day and my eyelids are getting heavy. I think it's time for a nap. I've found a new nap's in a nice deep box full of paper behind the door. My humans haven't found me there yet. It's quiet and dark and private but I can still see what's going on. It's perfect!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
All's Right With My World
Monday, May 12, 2008
Now Who's Missing?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Nan's Back!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Another Week at the Library
Monday, April 7, 2008
The Things I Have to Put Up With
Th humans who make noise together were here this week. They sound pretty good sometimes, especially when they make noise with their mouths along with the boxes they play with. Paul went in with them and played with the big piece of furniture. That really made nice noise!
Nan is being very nice to me today, saying all kinds of sweet things to me and promising to make things up to me when she gets back. Does that mean she's not coming here for awhile? Oh,no, that means Mary will have to clean my toilet, and while she does an ok job, Nan is much better at it. Mary will probably forget to give me my daily treats, too. The things I have to put up with!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Smells!
There are tables in the library with lots of books on them. They have interesting smells, too. A lot of humans have been coming in and taking the books before I can check them out, too. A book with interesting smells is good for 10-15 minutes of sniffing. A smart cat can learn a lot in a good sniff.
Where's Nan? I've been waiting for her all week. She's been doing this vanishing act regularly this winter. When she comes back I hope she'll tell me about her adventures. I miss her.
Monday, February 25, 2008
A Different Kind of Day
Friday, February 22, 2008
Is There Anyone Out There?
Friday, February 15, 2008
On My Own, Again
Friday, February 1, 2008
Going to the Dogs
Monday, January 28, 2008
Too Good To Be True
Nan came back from her vacation today. I'm glad she's back. Mary and Tamika have been cleaning up after me but no one does it like Nan! I think today I'll spend with her. Maybe she'll tell me what she did last week and I can tell her about yesterday. Oh, maybe she knows who the other man was. He came back this morning to help move the furniture again, too.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Looking Back on My First Year at the Library
Last year at this time I was living 'at home'. I'm not sure where that was but Tiff, my first human (who I had been with since I was a kitten) had taken me there when she couldn't take me with her to her new house. The humans 'at home' didn't really like me (and I can say now, the feeling was mutual!) Oh, they feed me but it wasn't the same as living with someone who loved you. Then Tiff thought that maybe someone here at the Library would like to take me home with them and she brought me here. No one had room for me but they said I could live here at the Library. (They had to get special permission to let me do that, so I guess they really wanted me.)
I was so scared those first few days that I hid behind some boxes in the back room and only came out when everyone had gone and the place was dark. Good thing they had put my toilet near where I was hiding! They put my food dish nearby, too. Slowly I realized that there were humans here who liked me and wanted to get to know me better and I started to come out a little. Just as I was beginning to feel at home, these humans played a dirty trick on me. One day they stuffed me in a box and took me outside. When they let me out of the box, I was in a new place. It smelled very clean but with just a strange little odor of cat and DOG! Someone stuck me with something and I fell asleep. When I woke up I wasn't interested in the same smells that I had like before. They put me back in the box and I was back in the Library hiding in the back room before I knew it. I stayed there a couple of days before deciding to trust the humans again. (I had to make them feel bad about putting me in that box, didn't I?)
There were other times I hid behind things. A big, tall man kept coming thru the workroom one morning, taking things from the backroom and putting other things back there. I had never seen him before eventho the other humans seem to know him. No one bothered to introduce us, either, so I went behind the warm box under this desk. It was nice and cozy back there (the wires got in the way a little, but they were soft and I could sit on them.) Finally the man went away and I after awhile I came out. Seems the man was the president of the library's board of trustees and had just come back from spending the winter down south. He's come back a lot but I still stay out of his way. That space under this desk is one of my favorite places but someone cleaned it out and all the toys I had put back there are gone. Just when I start making someplace feel like home, someone has to clean it out. Humans!!
Another time I had to hide coz some big boys brought in a wooden bookshelf. It smelled awful and I thought the smell would never go away! (But it did.) Now that bookshelf is one of my favorite places. Some nice lady gave me a blanket to put up on the top of it where I like to sit. Then Tamika gave me a box and put the blanket in it. I didn't like that so much so one night when I didn't have anything better to do, I shredded the blanket. Mary put some towels in the box after that and that was better than the blanket! Nan brought me a nice soft blanket and now my box is a purrfect bed. I like to lay up there coz I can see out the window into the library and if someone new comes into the room I can just put my head down and no one can see me. (I know that I'm above the humans, and this way they know it ,too.)
A couple of times there were loud noises in here in the middle of the night that scared me. For awhile whenever I walked around my private toilet the same noises that the humans make when they leave at night (and come in in the morning) would start. Then, just as quickly as it started it would stop! Eventually some strange men came into my room and climbed up on the wall over my toilet. (I hid behind some boxes and watched them.) They did something and the noises stopped happening except when it should. That is until the morning when The Man couldn't make the noises stop when he came in. The words he used! Cats like me shouldn't hear those things! The phone rang and rang before things finally got quiet and he let me out of here. He was not happy that morning.
The first time the minature humans came here was scary for me, too. They move so quick! And the noise they made! I think they were singing and beating on things. I couldn't find a good spot to hide that morning. Now, when there isn't a lot of them, I'll come out to see what's happening. I can keep my eye on 2 of them at a time, more than that and I'll run.
I've discovered this year that humans like to climb almost as much as cats do, but they use contraptions and don't jump much. Besides the men who came to make the noises stop, there have been men who climbed into the ceiling. I stayed out of their way, let me tell you. Those things they climb on don't look very stury to me. I sure wouldn't use one. I like jumping from shelf to shelf. Sometimes I've gotten too high and then someone would put a soft chair near me and I'd jump down into it. (I've really got my humans well trained, don't I?)
I wasn't really sorry that I didn't win the Pet of the Year contest that my humans had entered me in. I know they are really proud of me and wanted to show me off, but politics just isn't for me. I don't like to meet new people except on my own terms. At least I made Pet of the Month for September for them. That seemed to please them very much.
Things have been very good for me this year. I have met many new humans, including some very pretty ladies! Everyone I meet says how nice I am. (I never realized humans were so smart! And generous! Humans I don't even know bring me treats and toys!!) I have several special friends among the humans who come here every day. Nan lets me whisper things in her ear and she shares her food with me. She is my favorite human. I think it's because she has several of my distant relatives at home and knows what a cat needs. Tamika is next as a favorite. She lets me explore the rooms she works in, helping her go through the boxes that are in there. (She's the one who put me in that box when I first got here, but I don't hold it against her. Every once in awhile she puts stuff on my neck, too. I don't know why she does it but afterwards she always hugs me and says what a good boy I am.) Nan and Tamika leave some of the doors open so I can go by myself into the big room where it's usually dark and quiet. (There is even a closet in there that I can run into if I have too.) The Man opens the door to my rooms nearly every morning and lets me run around the library. He calls me "Foolish", but I know he likes me. He plays with me and lets me watch him do things with the thing that sucks the dirt off the floor. He even brought a lady to meet me! (We have the same taste in women.) He pretends to get mad at me when I get a little bored overnight and unroll the paper towels. (Mary says I'm being creative when I give the paper towels a lace edging.) Mary gives me treats and is learning to clean my toilet. Even though she always has dog hairs on her, she isn't so bad. When I was in that contest and had to 'meet and greet' people, she would hold me tight and tell me not to be afraid, she wouldn't let anybody hurt me. She lets me sit with her when she's working and she know how to play the water game with me! Deb has dog hairs on her, too, but she seems to like to play tag and chase me around the library and she lets me share a chair with her. Paul doesn't like to share a chair with me even though I know he has another of my relatives living in his house. The other humans always talk to me and make sure I have clean water and enough food. And they even turn on a radio when they're going to leave so I won't feel alone.
Yes, my life has changed a lot in the past year but I'm glad I live in the library.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Back to Normal
The trees that were in the library are gone. I never understood what they were there for excatly, they did make good hiding places. One day they were there and then one day they were gone! Humans are hard to understand some time. They really liked those trees! Must have been the pretty things they put on them and the fancy lights. Oh, well.
My humans have been moving furniture, too. From what I discovered behind the bookshelf they moved, I don't think they move it very often. They took the stuff out of some boxes that had been piling up in the back and put it on a bookshelf that they had moved. Other humans seem excited to see those papers (I keep saying, it's hard to understand humans), and I like where they put that bookshelf. I can sit on top and look outside, and most of the time, humans don't know that I'm up there. It's a good place to take a nap. Hmm, seems like a good idea. YAWN.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Pet of the Year Calendar
I've got a new friend. The Man brought her in to meet me this week when none of the other humans showed up. She was nice and we got along very well. I didn't want to be too forward so I didn't whisper in her ear or anything. I just sat on her lap. She's very smart--she was telling me how handsome and nice I was. I hope she comes back to visit again.
My humans have been complaining about how cold it is in here, but up here on top of the mailboxes it's nice and warm. The rest of the library is rather chilly, but in my box it's toasty. Just the right condition for a nap. Ah, yes, time for a nap!