These are more photos from China. This is the school where Lily, my paw pal 's human teaches. It looks very nice and clean there but how come the sky isn't blue? What kind of trees are they? It doesn't look like those leaves change colors and fall off!
Mary's friend, Wayne, is trying to get another paw pal for me. He's been sharing his suppers with a cat at a resturant near his school. That cat likes squid, I don't think I do. Anyway, Wayne is trying to get some photos of that cat. I hope he remembers to ask its name.
It had been quiet around here the last couple of days... until yesterday. Then there was a lot of noise and commotion around the glass wall that moves. Some men were outside climbing up things and making a lot of noise. The Man was there watching them. Probably to make sure they did it right and didn't hurt the building. Then when they were finished and went away it was kind of dark outside the glass wall. My other humans were excited about what they had done. It's some kind of covering...awning...over the door. It's suppose to help keep them dry. If they didn't go out they wouldn't have to worry about that.
Today there are humans in my big room. They have those boxes that make noise. Paul will go in there and play with them and then it will sound pretty good. It's such a nice noise...something to fall asleep to. Yawn!
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