Friday, February 15, 2008

On My Own, Again

I think this is going to be one of those weekends when I'll be on my own. Several of my humans have paid me long good-byes, saying something about Tuesday, whenever that is. Nan told me that Tamika will be here tomorrow and she'll make sure I have plenty of food and water to last but it won't be the same as when my humans come in in the morning. I've been thinking about what I can do when I'm alone that won't make The Man too angery with me. There is a new roll of paper that needs a little lace decoration on the edges. If they forget to put the top on tight on the treat box that might be fun, too. The Man might come in one morning to visit. He'll let me out of my room while he moves the white stuff from the other side of the door, and maybe he'll play the water game with me. If I'm careful I could even get in a good game of tag with him. Other than that, there's not too much to look forward too. I will be able to nap where ever I want. Paul won't make me move from my favorite chair and Mary will let me stretch out across her desk. There is a new box in my room that says "bong" regularly, but I'm almost use to it. And I hope they don't put the radio on too loud!

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