Friday, October 9, 2009

More Mini Humans Invade!

Yesterday started out like a normal day...the Man left me out of my rooms to help him in the library but from then on it went down! Nan didn't come in for the longest time! (I really missed her early morning greeting...and special treats.) Then the Man and the other guy moved everything out of Nan's room! And wouldn't even let me in to see what they were doing!! Finally Nan appeared and then Heather. Ah-h, I thought, things will get back to normal now. But they didn't. They got worse! First they shut me up in my rooms while they were still in the library with all the lights on! Second some new humans started coming into the library...I could hear them in the big room but what could I do shut up in here?? Even Mary came back last night! At least she gave me some extra treats, said something like I would really need them! Then I started to hear mini humans in the library. Well, not exactly mini ones, more like small to medium humans. I heard my name a couple of times but luckily none of them tried to come into my room. I heard Mary and Nan talking to someone they called Mr Hawley. Later I heard some one say he was the super. (What's a super?) Later Mary and Nan told me that the humans were part of Title One at Herkimer Elementary and St Francis schools, what ever they are. They sounded like good humans but I was glad when they all went home. Mary changed the noise box to make music instead of just talking about downs and runs and they said good night and turned out the lights and it was quiet at last. Too many nights like that are not good for a cat like me.