Friday, October 9, 2009
More Mini Humans Invade!
Yesterday started out like a normal day...the Man left me out of my rooms to help him in the library but from then on it went down! Nan didn't come in for the longest time! (I really missed her early morning greeting...and special treats.) Then the Man and the other guy moved everything out of Nan's room! And wouldn't even let me in to see what they were doing!! Finally Nan appeared and then Heather. Ah-h, I thought, things will get back to normal now. But they didn't. They got worse! First they shut me up in my rooms while they were still in the library with all the lights on! Second some new humans started coming into the library...I could hear them in the big room but what could I do shut up in here?? Even Mary came back last night! At least she gave me some extra treats, said something like I would really need them! Then I started to hear mini humans in the library. Well, not exactly mini ones, more like small to medium humans. I heard my name a couple of times but luckily none of them tried to come into my room. I heard Mary and Nan talking to someone they called Mr Hawley. Later I heard some one say he was the super. (What's a super?) Later Mary and Nan told me that the humans were part of Title One at Herkimer Elementary and St Francis schools, what ever they are. They sounded like good humans but I was glad when they all went home. Mary changed the noise box to make music instead of just talking about downs and runs and they said good night and turned out the lights and it was quiet at last. Too many nights like that are not good for a cat like me.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Back to Normal...for here!
Things are finally getting back to normal around here. I know, that will never completely happen but the last couple of weeks have been very unusual even for here. A wet spot appeared on the floor in Nan's room and it smelled awful to the humans! Heather called The Man and he came in to check it out. He tried to clean it up and even borrowed some of my litter to put on it to make it stop smelling bad. By the next morning it was even worse and bigger! Come to find out a human toilet in another part of the building was leaking and the water was coming up thru the floor into Nan's room. (Some lady tried to say it was me but The Man said I'd have to be the size of an elephant to make that spot and besides, I was secure in my suite overnight.) Nan and Lesley had to pack up a lot of children's books and put them in the big room. Then a strange man came in and cut holes in the walls! Now that would have been interesting, but my humans closed the door to Nan's room and wouldn't let anyone in...including me. What party poops they can be sometimes! Now I'll never know what's on the other side of those walls. The holes have been covered but there still isn't a rug on that part of the floor and Nan's waiting for some new bookcases. I'm glad that much excitment doesn't happen every day.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Comings and Goings
It's been hard to keep track of comings and goings around here. Sue wasn't around for awhile, then she was back. Nancy was here Monday morning dressed kind of funny but then she was gone the rest of the week. Heather is somebody new who's here some afternoons...and she likes cats! Mary T is back...with something on her leg that makes her walk funny...but she's not here every day. Susanne and Carol aren't here any more at all. One day there was even a young relative of mine here! Mary T told me he was just visiting but you can never tell with these humans. They might get the idea to replace me or get decide I need a roommate. It's bad enough I have to share my rooms with the humans but another feline would be unthinkable. Whose bed would it sleep in? Whose private toilet would it use? Whose dish would it eat out of? Not Mine!! I'm content being a single cat. I think the worse part of having a roommate would be having to share my humans with it! There's just enough time every day for them to shower me with love and affection. When would they get any work done if they had to pay attention to another cat, too? Nope, 1 cat is enough.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Changes Around Here
Boy, have there been changes around here with my humansthe last couple of weeks! Sue's been out with arm surgery and Mary T broke her ankle and had to have 1 plate, 2 pins and 2 screws put it in to keep it together! Sue' s home but Mary's still at the Sitrin Rehab in N Hartford(where ever that is!) for another week. I don't know how long it will before she comes back to work. But the rest of the girls are taking good care of me. I just want my family together! Don't tell any one but I do miss my humans!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
Lesley's been taking photos of my suite today saying how ugly it is. I think it has that 'lived-in' look. I have a couple of nice soft afghans that Andrea gave me, one covers the chair I share with my humans (that's me in The Chair. What's wrong with that afghan?) and the other is in my cardboard box/bed high up on the mailbox shelf. All the different size shelf units make a nice kitty-gym for me use in my daily workout. I can jump from the top of each and work my way around the room whenever I feel frisky. Some of them have narrow edges where I can practice my tightrope walking, too! Mary's chair has a nice soft high back and if I land on it just right I can make it move across the floor. That's fun!! Mary's desk usually has piles of interesting smelling things on it, too, that I can knock over when no one is paying any attention to me. Then someone will yell out 'Syd, stay away from those dvds!' (What are dvds, anyway?) And there's that string from a toy hanging in the door way. The toy didn't quiet meet my standards and was destroyed long ago but the string with it's weighted end still hangs there and I like to play with that. Now there's a pile of cardboard boxes in the second room that the humans use to send those dvd-things away. I can spend hours checking o

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Living Under the Rules
Cats, as a rule, do not live under rules. It's just not in our nature to obey someone's command. But I was informed yesterday morning that I now have to obey a rule. The Washburn Room and the kitchen are off-limits to me. Not being allowed in the kitchen is just an inconvenience. I use it as a pass-thru to Nancy's room, or I might duck in there to escape some miniature humans. Oh, I'd stay and have a bite to eat if someone offered me some tasty treat, but on the whole, it doesn't hold much interest for me. The Washburn Room, on the other hand, is one of my favorite places. There are big pieces of furniture to hide behind or under and there is my closet, nice and dark, with all those nice wide shelves to curl up on. That big counter on wheels is fun to hide behind, too! But now, all that is just fond memories. Oh, well, I guess I can adapt to these restricitions. I won't like them but I'll live with them. I think I'll get comfortable on this desk chair and dream of my past adventures in those forbidden place. Oh, well...
Friday, January 2, 2009
Alma and Syd
Alma made a movie of one of her visits. Now I can see her whenever I want to. Isn't that nice? If you like this movie, please click on COMMENT and leave me a message. I'd like to hear from more humans.
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