Monday, December 15, 2008

Those Minature Humans Again!

Sunday was not a day of rest for me. It started out ok, but first Mary came in and then Linda and Nan showed up. They let me check out the library and eventually I made my way into the big room. They had set up tables and chairs and were putting things on the table...not a good sign. Soon the place was overrun with those miniature humans! Boy, do they make noise! Then this guy in a red suit shows up! He had been in Nan's room for awhile before he went into the big room. He carried something that jingled as he walked. You should have seen the little humans react to him!! I decided then it was time to go back to my room but wasn't sure how to get there, so I went into the closet. It's a nice big, dark place with plenty of shelves for me to sit on. Eventually it got quiet and then Linda opened the closet door and saw me. Mary came in and picked me up and told me I was very smart to hide but it was time to come out of the closet. She put me in my chair and turned on the music. They all said 'good night' and left. I was ready for a nap but remembered Nan had put out treats for me. I really needed a snack after all that excitement!
What do you think of the man in the red suit and all those little humans? Click on COMMENTS and leave me a message. I'd like to hear from you.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Mary's friend, Wayne, promised before he left to send me photos of the cats he saw in China and he has! First he got me a paw pal, Jesse, who's owner is another teacher. Then he made friends with a white cat and then a black and white cat at a street cafe. Now he's found another cat at a cafe who let him take its photo. This proves that Linda and Mary were wrong about the there not being any pet cats in China. I knew that!

Wayne went on a picnic with his class along the banks of the Yangtze River . They dug pits in the sand and cooked their food right there. Boy, does it look good! Mary says they're eating with chopsticks (Wayne uses a spoon) instead of forks. I think you have to be very careful using chopsticks. Not all the food will make it to your mouth! (Good for cats like me.) No wonder the people are all so small and thin.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Weird Things Happening

Andy & Andrea

humans making noise

Michele & Mark

The Man


Nancy & her squeeze box

More humans making noise

Some weird things happened here last Friday night. For starters, no one went home. All my humans stayed with me and the ones who weren't here during the day, came back! And they didn't make me stay in my room, either. They let me go into the big room to see what they were doing. And the smells! Oh, to a cat with a fine palate, the smells out of the big room were heavenly! Of course, Mary made sure I didn't get close enough to anything to taste but the smells.... But then, the noise that my humans made! Paul had his round box and Nancy had something that she wore in front of her and squeezed. The big high box had another lady playing with it. (Someone was here Wednesday playing with that thing all afternoon. And the noise he made on it!! Ooo, some of it sounded pretty good, but other times, it sounded worse than the noise I can make when I'm mad!) Anyway, the humans keep making all kinds of noise Friday laughing and talking. I thought they'd never go home and let me sleep. But Alma was here. She came looking for me when I got scared of all the strangers and hid. It was nice to see her again. I wish she'd come over more often. I'm glad my humans don't stay that late very often. They disturb my rest.