There were a lot of humans here last week. Mary and The Man moved the furniture and some new humans moved in! They had boxes of books! I would have like to get closer to check them out but Linda had a big table with lots of good smelling food that distracted me. I tried to get close enough to get a taste of something but someone (Mary) was always yelling at me to stay away. A nice girl sat behind the table and
gave the goodies to people. Mr Paul who use to come in and play with the machines was here ,too. Then some strange men came in and were climbing into the ceiling in the big room my favorite place! After that I decided to stay behind the printer. I didn't care what was happening !! Suddenly Alma came in! She explained that it was an Authors' Fair and a Bake Sale in the main room. I remember other Bake Sales they had here. I usually got a taste of something but no one gave me a treat this time! That's ok. Just having Alma with me was enough. I'm glad she comes in on Fridays.