Wednesday, October 24, 2007
What A DaY!
What a day it has been so far! When The Man came in to open my door something went wrong and there was an awful loud sound. He tried to make it go away (and I heard some words a cat like me shouldn't hear) but it took awhile for it to be quiet again. Then some more men came in and climbed up into the ceilings and make whirring sounds with some small things they had in their hands. I had to take refuge in the backroom under the bottom shelf. It felt safe under there. I could see the strange men going back and forth, and I could hear them making noise. Finally, they went away and just as I came out from my hiding place, someone started up the machine the Man uses when he pushed the dirt around on the rug. Boy, does that make a racket!! At last, it was quiet again. Isn't that what it's suppose to be in a library? And just when I started to relax on my nice soft chair, the miniature humans started coming in. It sounds like they are having a grand time in the big room but they do make a lot of noise. I can't wait for them to leave. I really need a nap!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Pin-Up Cat
My humans tell me they have entered my photo in a contest in the local newspaper, the Herkimer Evening Telegram. They are waiting to see if I made the first cut. I remember the day they took that picture. I was sleeping (what else?) in a chair when they rudely w0ke me up. They covered the chair with a sheet and put me back in place. It was nice and cool. Then they opened a book and put it infront of me and took my picture--over and over again. Finally, they were satisfied and took the book away. Then they took the sheet! I was beginning to like that sheet! Anyway, now they are waiting to see if I'll be in the contest. I'm not sure if I want to be that famous. Will it interrupt my naps?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
A Wild Time!
Yesterday was wild around here. In the morning the library was invaded by miniature humans! They were running around and making a lot of noise. What a sound!!! They seemed to be having a lot of fun in the Washburn Room. There was music and they were banging on things. This happened last week, too, and my humans tell me this will keep on happening on Wednesday morning for another 4 weeks. Oh, well, as long as I can hide behind the computer's printer I'll be ok. I guess. And if that wasn't bad enough, in the middle of my early afternoon nap, one of my humans came into the room with a machine that made a lot of noise. With that machine she was able to suck up all the dust and hair that was on chairs and desks in here. It made such a racket!! I had to hide behind the printer, again. Later, when she was working on the computer, I reached out and touched her leg with my paw and she screamed! She didn't know I was there. I think that makes us even. Besides, disturbing my nap, last week she stepped on my tail! I know that was an accident, but it still hurt! Oh, well, I like to keep my humans on their toes!!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Oh, What delicious smells!
Oh, what delicious smells there are in the Library today. Yesterday some human moved all the tables together and covered them with books!! What interesting smells those book have, telling me where they'd been and who they've been with. Then this morning my humans moved more tables together and covered them with food. Ohh, mmm, they smell soo good! One of the humans has offered me a nibble but it smelled very sweet so I said no, thank you (I'm a very polite cat). There's another table with coffee(why does coffee smell so good and taste so bad? at least to a cat?). I can smell cream but it's in a box and I can't get to it. At one time, the humans forget about me and put the cream in a small pitcher and put it on the table. Oh, what a treat that was!! But my humans are pretty smart (they've got me, don't they?)so that doesn't happen too often anymore. The only trouble I can see happening today is all the new humans who will be coming in to buy the books and goodies. I've got to scout out a good spot where I can see them but they can't see me. It's got to be secure enough so I can take a nap when I need one. Hmm, I think I need one now.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
My Friend Lucky

There is a big (bigger than me) creature in the library that sits over by the new books in a nice basket with a very soft pillow. It always has a treat in its mouth but it doesn't move or have a smell! When I steal the treat from it, one of the humans puts it back. It doesn't try to keep me from taking the treat, either. The humans call it Lucky. Since I seem to like his treat, the human has brought me some! They don't taste as good as my treats, but they're a nice shape and very hard. I have a lot of fun playing with it and batting it around. One of the humans says I'm playing soccer with it. Soccer is very physcial and by the time I've played my game every morning it's time for a nap. So, Yawn!!
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